George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Bill Clinton 1997 Council tasked to advise him on "policy options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions," but "should not debate the science of global warming, instead focus on implementation of national and local greenhouse gas reduction policies." Also advise on sustainable US investments in developing countries

7/20/1993, "ORIGINAL CHARTER, President's Council on Sustainable development," Executive Order #12852

"REVISED CHARTER, President's Council on Sustainable Development," April 25, 1997"

1. Official Designation

The committee is designated as the President's Council on Sustainable Development and was established by Executive Order No. 12852 on June 29, 1993, as amended....

4. Scope of Activities

The Council shall apply its objectives to the following six activities: (a) Advise the President on the next steps in building the new environmental management system of the 21st century....

(b) Advise the President on domestic implementation of policy options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Council should not debate the science of global warming, but should instead focus on the implementation of national and local greenhouse gas reduction policies and activities, and adaptations in the U.S. economy and society that maximize environmental and social benefits, minimize economic impacts, and are consistent with U.S. international agreements.
The Council should, at a minimum, identify and encourage potentially replicable examples of reductions in greenhouse gas emissions across diverse sectors and levels of society. The Council shall submit its initial recommendations to the President not later than Spring 1998.

(c) Advise the President on policies and approaches that promote sustainable communities. In particular, the Council should promote multi-jurisdictional [regional] and community cooperation in metropolitan and rural areas. The Council should create and participate in projects that help forge partnerships among representatives of federal and state agencies, urban centers, suburban areas, and rural communities with the goal of solving, in a comprehensive way, local and regional sustainable development issues....

(d) Advise the President on policies that foster U.S. leadership in sustainable development internationally. Specifically, the Council shall promote the creation and continuation of national sustainable development councils around the world, advise the President on the promotion of sustainable development in international fora, and gather and disseminate information about U.S. and international sustainable development policies. In addition, given the increasing flow of financial capital from developed to developing countries, the Council shall recommend policies that encourage foreign investment by the U.S. Government, businesses, investors, and, as appropriate, multi-lateral institutions that are consistent with the principles of sustainable development. 

(e) Ensure that social equity issues are fully integrated into all of the Council's efforts."...


Agenda 21 cited in Clinton policy:

1998, US Federal Register, p. 45157, far right column, "The Sustainable Development challenge Grant program is also a step in implementing "Agenda 21, the Global Plan of Action on Sustainable Development," signed by the United States at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992"

8/24/1998, "Environmental Protection Agency, Sustainable Development Challenge Grant Program, Request for Proposals," Federal Register

page 45157

"Overview of Sustainable Development Challenge Grant Approach"...

"Linkages to other initiatives"

via, 8/9/13, "For those at square one...UN Agenda 21 in the Federal Register," DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21


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