George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

President Trump's ‘dark’ speech was a ray of light for millions. How out of touch can anyone be to be offended by a president who says: “It is the right of all nations to put their own interests first”-Howie Carr, Boston Herald

1/21/17, "Carr: President’s ‘dark’ speech a ray of light for millions," Boston Herald, Howie Carr, Washington

"The inaugural speech was “dark” — that’s the storyline among the Democrats and their allies in the Fake News industry. It was “radical,” “Hitlerian,” or maybe Mussolini-ian — or both, according to Comrade Chris Matthews.

But mostly it was dark. What else could it have been? If it was all sweetness and light in America, how far would Donald J. Trump have gotten in his campaign?

He had half as much money as the kleptocracy’s handpicked candidate. The alt-left media’s coverage of him was 90 percent negative, when they weren’t just making up fake news pure and simple.

And yet Trump still got 300-plus electoral votes. Because the country was in a dark, dark place. It’s always darkest before the dawn. Yesterday was the dawn.

Trump said “America first.” Twice! Hillary Clinton was giving him the evil eye. I hadn’t seen her this angry since maybe 10 minutes earlier, when she caught her “husband” staring at Melania Trump, or maybe it was Ivanka Trump, or maybe it was both.

Brevity truly is the soul of wit, and even more so, great speeches. Barack Obama couldn’t even finish clearing his throat in 14 minutes. But Trump hit all the right notes. And he only said “I” three times.

My favorite was when the new president said, “Washington has prospered, but the people have not.”

Amen. Every time you come down here, all you see is cranes and construction. Doesn’t matter if there’s a recession or prosperity — D.C. grows, or maybe the word is “metastasize.” As in cancer.

“Power is being transferred to the people,” he said. Instead of people, he could have said “deplorables,” but everybody knew who he was talking about.

Another great line: ripping the public education system as being “flush with cash” while children go uneducated. How many years have you heard these teachers’ unions and educrats talking about how they need more of your tax money “for the children.”

How out of touch can anyone be to be offended by a president who says: “It is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.”

Sounds like one of those self-evident truths the Founding Fathers were talking about, doesn’t it?

And he mentioned how we have spent “trillions” on securing other nations’ borders and none on our own. That’s a problem that goes back to George W. Bush, maybe further. Once again proving, this wasn’t an anti-Democrat insurrection, it was an anti-establishment uprising.

Finally, a politician calls them out. And not just any politician — the president of the United States.

Booo, hooo, the moonbats were whining, he didn’t reach out to Hillary. Why the hell should he? She was such a big ’60s’ radical, surely she remembers that decade’s old saying: “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.”

Hillary grew fabulously wealthy in the “American carnage” of the last quarter-century, a bipartisan carnage, obviously, which was why Jeb Bush was one of the first casualties of the 2016 campaign.

“The demands of the people are just and righteous.”

Another statement with echoes from the 1960s: “Power to the people!”

A nation exists to serve its people.”

What a radical departure from Beltway Groupthink.

It was a good start, that speech. And if the usual people thought it was dark, all the better. Their darkness is our sunshine.

"Listen to Howie 3 to 7 p.m on WRKO AM 680."

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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.